Hospital Service Providers from 12 countries
Efficient and Highly trained team members that support requirement of patients at every stage
Experience in multiple therapeutic areas
In a span of four years since Started in 2016, the company has advanced in leaps and bounds. It has spiralled up in terms of team, revenue, clients and networks. Today, it has collaborated with 100+ leading hospital and has on boarded acclaimed Doctors. On the other hand, it has bestrewed its affiliates and franchises in many foreign lands which is in turn strengthened its grounds on the international realm as well.
The platform is completely free-to-use with Offline support available in 106 languages; that seeks to connect patients searching for a medical procedure with clinics and hospitals around the world, allowing them to compare prices, facilities, and medical experts with options at home so they can make an informed decision regarding who to trust with their healthcare. You only make a payment in the hospital where you've received care.
We envision to become global medical platform that seeks to connect all stakeholder viz. hospitals, doctors, pharma, medical supplies, government and patients searching for a medical procedure with clinics and hospitals around the world.
Our mission is to make medical care affordable and reachable for everyone.
We do this by providing a customized healthcare support as per needs.
People first- Respect, Connect & Care
Patient focussed: Consistently delivering our commitments
Integrity: Inspiring trust & confidence
Accountability: Offering the best
Partnership: Achieving more together
Our global delivery modal allows us to provide high quality medical value services with cost saving
We cooperate with 100+ Internationally accredited hospitals across the globe to find the best solution for you.
We get a treatment program within 4-24 hours after registering your request
You pay at the hospital or to Mozocare’s escrew bank account. Mozocare does not charge any commissions or hidden fees.
Our team is here for you around the clock, around the world.
Accurate and proper treatment consultation provided for free
Organizing your flight and hotel after treatment confirmation
Private individual transfer arranged during all your treatment process
Accompany you throughout your medical trip till your departure
Providing you accommodations with affordable prices
Accurate and proper treatment consultation provided for free
Organizing your flight and hotel after treatment confirmation
Private individual transfer arranged during all your treatment process
Accompany you throughout your medical trip till your departure
Providing you accommodations with affordable prices
Accurate and proper treatment consultation provided for free
Organizing your flight and hotel after treatment confirmation
Private individual transfer arranged during all your treatment process
Accompany you throughout your medical trip till your departure
Providing you accommodations with affordable prices
In case of any medical malpractice, gratis treatment, accommodation and ticket
Providing High quality clinics and hospitals for undergoing the surgeries
After recovery, the doctor will do the post-surgery consultation
City tours (sightseeing,visiting tourist attractions)
Follow up procedure after you return by phone,video calls etc.
In case of any medical malpractice, gratis treatment, accommodation and ticket
Providing High quality clinics and hospitals for undergoing the surgeries
After recovery, the doctor will do the post-surgery consultation
City tours (sightseeing,visiting tourist attractions)
Follow up procedure after you return by phone,video calls etc.
In case of any medical malpractice, gratis treatment, accommodation and ticket
Providing High quality clinics and hospitals for undergoing the surgeries
After recovery, the doctor will do the post-surgery consultation
City tours (sightseeing,visiting tourist attractions)
Follow up procedure after you return by phone,video calls etc.