41 Years of Experience
Primus Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi, India
18 procedures across 3 departments
Apicoectomy treatments abroad An apicoectomy might also be called a root-end resection and is a surgical procedure performed by an endodontist and involves opening the gum tissue and removing any inflamed or infected tissue and the very tip of the root of the tooth. The endodontist also cleans the root canal, and then stitches the gum back into place. Over the next month or so, the bone will regrow around the root tip. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthetic, so the patient
Learn more about ApicoectomyBraces treatments abroad Why would I need Braces? In the majority of cases, braces are applied when the structure of the teeth and jaw are still developing - the prime time for this is between the ages of 10-14 years old. It is recommended, however, that children have a thorough orthodontic examination before the age of 10 to determine any potential problems that may require the use of braces in the future. Though predominantly used to treat problems in children and adolescents, braces are
Learn more about BracesDental Crown treatments abroad Mozocare is a platform which simplifies the process of finding dental care around the world . Is searching for relevant dental procedures long and tiresome? From wisdom tooth extraction to veneers, Mozocare listed clinics offer an extensive range of dental treatments. Recent trends in medical tourism have seen clinics in countries such as Poland and Hungary become prime locations for affordable dental treatment - Mozocare brings these clinics together on one eas
Learn more about Dental CrownDental Implant treatments abroad Dental implants are widely considered the best solution for missing teeth or teeth that must be extracted and cannot be saved. Dental implants are made up of a screw-like implant, a crown, and an abutment which attaches the crown to the implant. The implant is fused into the jawbone, making it a permanent replacement almost indistinguishable from natural teeth. Dental implants are used in place of a conventional bridge or crown. If the patient has lost signif
Learn more about Dental ImplantDental Implant Bars treatments abroad
Learn more about Dental Implant BarsDentistry Consultation treatments abroad What is a Dentistry Consultation? A consultation is an important first step for many kinds of dental treatment. During the consultation, the dentist will lay out a plan for the rest of your treatment and get an overall impression of how healthy your mouth is. It is important that the dentist, oral surgeon, or periodontist who continues your treatment knows all of the relevant facts and conditions that will affect their work. It is generally recommen
Learn more about Dentistry ConsultationDenture treatments abroad Dentures have been used for centuries to replace missing or removed teeth, with advances in modern Denture treatment allowing for the full restoration of tooth and gum functionality. Patients require Dentures if they are edentulous (missing all teeth). This may happen for a variety of reasons: trauma, periodontal disease, genetics, substance abuse, or severe tooth decay. Dentures are available in two forms: complete and partial. Complete Dentures are required w
Learn more about DentureImplant-Supported Dental Bridge treatments abroad,
Learn more about Implant-Supported Dental BridgeLaser Treatment for Gum Disease treatments abroad,
Learn more about Laser Treatment for Gum DiseaseLingual Braces treatments abroad Dental braces are devices which are placed onto to the teeth in order to align and straighten them. They contain brackets which are attached to the teeth and a metal wire is then placed into the brackets. The wires are then tightened in order to move the teeth into the desired direction. Lingual braces are fitted to the reverse side of a patient's teeth instead of the lip side to correct and straighten the patient's teeth. Many patients choose lingual
Learn more about Lingual BracesMini Dental Implant treatments abroad
Learn more about Mini Dental ImplantParanasal Sinus and Nasal Cavity Cancer Treatment abroad
Learn more about Paranasal Sinus and Nasal Cavity Cancer TreatmentRecessed Gum Treatment treatments abroad,
Learn more about Recessed Gum TreatmentRoot Canal treatments abroad What is root canal treatment? The history of root canal treatment, or endodontic therapy, stretches back centuries and addresses one of the most common problems in dental practice. Root canal pain and root canal infection occur with the invasion of bacteria in the tooth, usually due to tooth decay, leaking fillings, or impact trauma. Root canal treatment is required when the center of the tooth, or the pulp, has been damaged by infection. Symptoms include pain
Learn more about Root CanalSinus Surgery treatments abroad,
Learn more about Sinus SurgeryTemporary Dentistry treatments abroad Temporary dentistry includes a number of different dental procedures that are designed to provide a temporary solution to a dental medical problem that will be addressed permanently in the near future. The more teeth are being prepared or the more radical the procedure is anticipated to be, the more necessary temporary work may be. The length of time temporaries may need to be worn depends on how significant the work will be. A few days may be necessary f
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Tooth Extraction treatments abroad There are various reasons why tooth extraction may be needed. The most frequent dental problems that result in tooth extraction include tooth decay, damage, tooth infection, gum disease, and an overcrowded mouth. Often, Tooth Extraction is used as a last resort when other treatments such as fillings, inlays and overlays, implants, and crowns have failed to solve the problem. Teeth are also sometimes extracted to prepare for orthodontic treatments, like the a
Learn more about Tooth ExtractionTooth Reshaping treatments abroad,
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The information on this page was reviewed and approved by Mozocare team. This page was updated on 21 Aug, 2021.