Dr. Renuka Sinha Gynaecologist and Obstetrician

Dr. Renuka Sinha

Gynaecologist and Obstetrician

43 Years of Experience

Jaypee Hospital, Noida, India

  • Presently associated as the Director with department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Jaypee Hospital, Noida.
  • Expert in performing an entire range of Gynaecological & Laparoscopic Surgeries including Onco – surgery, hysteroscopic, vaginal and open surgeries.
  • Expertise areas include hysterectomy through natural route and management of menopause.
  • Wide experience and expertise in the delivery of services like Pre and Post Delivery Care, Nutrition for Pregnant women, Maternal fetal medicine, Fertilisation in vitro- Embryo transfer, IUD placement, etc.

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  • MBBS, Kasturba Gandhi Medical College 
  • MD, Kasturba Gandhi Medical College


15 procedures across 3 departments

Artificial Insemination treatments abroad What Is Artificial Insemination? Artificial Insemination refers to a process involving purposely introducing sperm into a female?s sex organs in order for them to become pregnant. It may refer to a number of techniques which might involve several forms of Assisted Reproductive Technologies such as Intracervical Insemination, Intrauterine Insemination, or other techniques. Medical tests are involved to make sure both partners are healthy and that t

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Breast Examination Abroad with Mozocare  The breast examination is done to determine to check if breasts are normal or abnormal. This can be done either by self or by a doctor. If abnormalities appear then mammograms, reexamination and surgical consultation may be required. A breast self-exam for breast awareness is an inspection of your breasts that you do on your own. If any change found, consult a doctor.   There are many conditions that can cause changes in your breasts, incl

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Find Colposcopy abroad with Mozocare Colposcopy is a procedure to closely examine your cervix, vagina and vulva for signs of disease. During colposcopy, your doctor uses a special instrument called a colposcope. Why it's done? Colposcopy can be used to diagnose: Genital warts Inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis) Precancerous changes in the tissue of the cervix Precancerous changes in the tissue of the vagina Precancerous changes of the vulva. Which other gynecolo

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Find Dilation and Curettage abroad with Mozocare Dilation and curettage, shortly known as D&C is a brief surgical operation in which the cervix is dilated and clears the uterine lining. D&C is done to a female if she has a miscarriage or facing unusual heavy bleeding. In D&C’s procedure, the doctor clears out all bad blood and tissues from the uterus, helps in preventing back pain, unusual bleeding, stomach ache, etc. D&C is a simple procedure that is completed within 15

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Find Endometrial Ablation abroad with Mozocare  \When the menstrual flow has to be reduced or stop, doctors perform endometrial ablation. It destroys the uterus lining surgically. Through cervix, slender tools are inserted. It does not require incision. Tools may consist extreme cold, heated fluid, microwave energy or high-energy radiofrequencies. Size and the condition of the uterus are the deciding factors for the selection of endometrial ablation. Why it's done? The doctor m

Learn more about Endometrial Ablation

Find Endometriosis Treatment abroad with Mozocare Endometriosis got his name by endometrium, it is the covering of the uterus. When the tissue that forms the lining of your uterus spread and develop in the outer of  uterine cavity i.e. endometrium it is referred to as endometriosis. It is a severe issue among females that causes painful mensuration, painful intercourse, infertility, painful urination. Endometriosis is curable if treated on time. Different treatments are available accordi

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Find Female Sterilization abroad with Mozocare Female sterilization is a safe procedure that enables permanent contraceptives for females. This process helps in avoiding unwanted pregnancy particularly for women, who do not want to get pregnant in their older days. For young females, temporary contraceptive options are available, to avoid pregnancy for a limited period. Female sterilization can be done either surgically or non-surgically and are expensive if compared to male sterilization. In

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Gynecologic Laparoscopy abroad  Gynecologic laparoscopy is an alternative to open surgery. It uses a laparoscope to look inside your pelvic area. Open surgery often requires a large incision. With miniaturized instruments, your doctor can perform a variety of surgeries. These include: ovarian cyst removal tubal ligation, which is surgical contraception hysterectomy. Which other gynecology procedures can I find abroad? At Mozocare, you can find Hysterectomy Abroad, My

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Find Gynecology Checkup abroad with Mozocare Gynecologists are the doctors who have done specialization in women reproductive health. For women, gynecology checkup is very important and should be done periodically. It is because various issues can arise which can lead to other serious disease. The doctor can diagnose any abnormality in the body. Early diagnosis is the most important thing to get cured with minimum damage. The private parts need to be checked out as sometimes women cannot dete

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Find Gynecology Consultation Abroad Doctors specialized in women’s reproductive system is called as gynecologist. They focus on: Obstetrics Pregnancy Childbirth Menstruation Fertility issues Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) Hormone disorders and others.   A gynecology consultation becomes important when it comes to issues relating to pregnancy, fertility, menstruation, and menopause family planning, including contraception, sterilization, and pregnancy termination pro

Learn more about Gynecology Consultation

Find Hysterectomy abroad with Mozocare Hysterectomy abroad A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus and, in some cases, the cervix. There are several techniques that can be involved and the patient should consult with their doctor about the best options for them, as all carry different risks and advantages. In some cases, robotic or laparoscopic surgery is the best option, while in other cases the surgeon may opt to remove the uterus through the vaginal opening. There are many reason

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Find Hysteroscopy abroad with Mozocare  Hysteroscopy is a procedure that allows a doctor to look inside the uterus in order to diagnose and treat causes of abnormal bleeding. The procedure can be either diagnostic or operative.   Which other gynecology procedures can I find abroad? At Mozocare, you can find Hysterectomy Abroad, Myomectomy Abroad, Vaginoplasty Abroad, Ovarian Cyst Removal Abroad, Ovarian Transposition Abroad, etc.

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Find Ovarian Cyst Removal abroad with Mozocare Ovarian cyst removal is a surgical operation where fluid-filled sacs grow up on the surface of the ovary. An Ovarian cyst is non-cancerous and harmless, most females have suffered ovarian cyst and have overcome on their own without any medication. When the ovarian cyst grows abnormally then it has to be removed, if not there will be pelvic pain, abdomen fullness, and bloating can happen. If a severe ovarian cyst is not treated at its earliest the

Learn more about Ovarian Cyst Removal

Find Pelvic Exam abroad with Mozocare Pelvic exam refers to the examining of the reproductive organs. The pelvic exam may be conducted by your doctor or can be a part of regular checkup. If vaginal discharge or pelvic pain occurs, you should go for a pelvic examination. The doctor checks for any abnormalities is vulva, cervix, rectum, ovaries, vagina and pelvis. Most often a Pap test is done during a pelvic examination. It is done: To assess your gynecological health To diagnose a medical con

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The information on this page was reviewed and approved by Mozocare team. This page was updated on 21 Aug, 2021.

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