Dr Sajan Koshy Paediatric Cardiologist

Dr Sajan Koshy

Paediatric Cardiologist

15 Years of Experience

Aster Medcity Hospital, Kochi, India

  • Dr Sajan Koshy is a renowned Pediatric Cardiologist in India, who has rich experience of more than 15 years in his field.
  • He is skilled in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery - especially Cardiac Surgery in new-born with congenital heart diseases.
  • Dr Sajan Koshy has done his MBBS, MS, & MCH from some of the prestigious universities in India.
  • He is active in creating public awareness on Pediatric Cardiac Surgery in North Kerala, in association with NGOs.
  • Dr Sajan Koshy has been on various media platforms like Khaleej Times , The Hindu, and Times of India.  

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  • MBBS 
  • MS 
  • MCh

Awards and Recognitions

  • Published articles in prominent Indian & International medical journals


10 procedures across 2 departments

Aortic Valve Repair treatments abroad Aortic valve repair is the reconstruction of both form and function of the malfunctioning aortic valve. Most frequently it is applied for the therapy of aortic regurgitation. Aortic valve (AV) repair is now recognized as a good substitute for prosthetic valve replacement in selected patients suffering from aortic inadequacy (AI) or proximal aorta aneurysm. During the procedure, the cardiologist makes an incision on the breastbone to repair or replace the

Learn more about Aortic Valve Repair

Cardiac Assessment treatments abroad  The cardiovascular examination is a portion of the physical examination that involves evaluation of the cardiovascular system. The exact contents of the examination will vary depending on the presenting complaint, but a complete examination will involve the heart (cardiac examination), lungs (pulmonary examination), belly (abdominal examination) and the blood vessels (peripheral vascular examination). The cardiac examination is based on the differ

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Cardiac Rehabilitation treatments abroad  Cardiac rehabilitation, also called cardiac rehab, is a customized outpatient program of exercise and education. Cardiac rehabilitation is designed to help you improve your health and help you recover from a heart attack, other forms of heart disease or surgery to treat heart disease. Cardiac rehabilitation often involves exercise training, emotional support and education about lifestyle changes to reduce your heart disease risk, such as eating a

Learn more about Cardiac Rehabilitation

Cardiology Consultation treatments abroad Cardiology, also known as cardiovascular medicine and a subspecialty of internal medicine, is a medical field that focuses primarily on the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases and disorders that affect the heart. Doctors that specialize in this particular field are known as cardiologists. For patients with heart problems, the initial cardiology consultation and subsequent consultations are essential parts of a medical treatment process. Not

Learn more about Cardiology Consultation

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery treatments abroad Coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the most common heart disease conditions and happens when cholesterol and other materials build up in the artery walls, narrowing the artery and reducing the blood supply to the heart. This leads to chest pain and in the worse cases to a stroke, which can damage the patient life quality or have even more serious consequences. One way to treat this condition is to provide the blood a new way

Learn more about Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery

Heart Biopsy treatments abroad  Heart biopsy, also called myocardial biopsy or cardiac biopsy, is an invasive procedure to detect heart disease. It entails using a bioptome (a small catheter with a grasping device on the end) to obtain a small piece of heart muscle tissue that is sent to a laboratory for analysis Why it’s done?  Your doctor uses a heart biopsy to: Evaluate or confirm the presence of rejection after a heart transplant. Diagnose myocarditis (inflam

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The most common type of heart surgery for adults is coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). During CABG, a healthy artery or vein from the body is connected, or grafted, to a blocked coronary (heart) artery. The grafted artery or vein bypasses (that is, goes around) the blocked portion of the coronary artery. This creates a new path for oxygen-rich blood to flow to the heart muscle. CABG can relieve chest pain and may lower your risk of having a heart attack. Doctors also use heart surgery to

Learn more about Heart Surgery

Pediatric Cardiology treatments abroad  Pediatric Cardiology is a specialty that addresses heart conditions in babies [including unborn babies], children, and teenagers. The scope of pediatric cardiology practice is extensive. Pediatric Cardiologists evaluate and care for fetuses, neonates, infants, children, adolescents, young adults, and adults. Pediatric Cardiology treatment has greatly evolved in the past few years and has helped thousands of children to lead normal lives today. W

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The information on this page was reviewed and approved by Mozocare team. This page was updated on 21 Aug, 2021.

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