Fertility and sexual concerns
Fertility and sexual concerns
- May 22, 2021
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- Category:
- Tags: Cancer Treatment AcronymschemotherapyChemotherapy drugsFertility and sexual concernsmanaging side effectsside effects
Many are diagnosed with cancer each year. Not all are comfortable in talking about fertility and sexual concerns related to cancer. Cancer medication, surgery and other types of treatment causes...
Managing Side Effects
- November 24, 2020
- 0
- Category:
- Tags: and Drynessand Edemaand Mood ChangesAnxietyAppearance-related Side EffectsAscitesBalance Problems and FallingBlood ClotsBowel and bladder problemsChemo brainCognitive problems or changes in thinkingConfusion and deliriumConstipationDehydration and lack of fluidsDepressionDiarrheaDistressDrinking and Eating ChangesEmotionalFatigue and WeaknessFertility and sexual concernsFeverHair LossHiccups and HeartburnHot Flashes and SweatingIncontinenceinfectionsInfusion and Immune ReactionsLeg CrampsLoss of AppetiteLow Blood CountsLymphedemaMental HealthMouth SoresNail ChangesNausea and VomitingPainPeripheral NeuropathyProsthesesSeizuresShortness of BreathSIDE EFFECTS A-ZSkin ProblemsSleep ProblemsSwallowing ProblemsSwellingTaste and Smell ChangesUrine RetentionWeight Changes
Managing Cancer related Side Effects Get information about the physical side effects that can be caused by different cancer treatments and what you can do to manage them. Send Request Have...