Allergy Testing

Allergy testing, also known as skin, prick, or blood testing is performed by a trained allergy specialist to determine if your body has an allergic reaction to a known substance. The exam can be in the form of a blood test, a skin test, or an elimination diet.

Allergies occur when your immune system, which is your body’s natural defense, overreacts to something in your environment. Allergy testing can determine which particular pollens, molds, or other substances you’re allergic to. You may need medication to treat your allergies.

What affects the final cost of Allergy Testing?

There are many factors that can affect the costs

  • There are many factors that can affect the costs of all
  • Type of allergy test- skin testing or blood testing
  • Choice of Doctor and Hospital Location
  • Insurance Coverage can affect a person's out of pocket expenses

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About Allergy Testing

An allergy is when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance, called an allergen. It could be something you eat, inhale into your lungs, inject into your body, or touch. This reaction could cause coughing, sneezing, itchy eyes, a runny nose, and a scratchy throat. In severe cases, it can cause rashes, hives, low blood pressure, breathing trouble, asthma attacks and even death.

There is no cure for allergies. You can manage allergies with prevention and treatment.


Indoor and Outdoor Allergies

Types of indoor and outdoor allergies include sinus swelling, seasonal and returning allergies, hay fever, and nasal allergies. Many people with allergies often have more than one type of allergy. The most common indoor/outdoor allergy triggers are the tree, grass, and weed pollen, mold spores, dust mites, cockroaches, and cat, dog, and rodent dander.

Immunotherapy (allergy shots) helps reduce hay fever symptoms in about 85 percent of people with allergic rhinitis.
Allergic rhinitis, often called hay fever1 triggers for indoor/outdoor allergies also often cause eye allergies.

Skin Allergies
Skin allergies include skin inflammation, eczema, hives, chronic hives, and contact allergies. Plants like poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac are the most common skin allergy triggers. But skin contact with cockroaches and dust mites, certain foods, or latex may also cause skin allergy symptoms.

Food Allergies
Children have food allergies more often than adults. Eight foods cause most food allergy reactions. They are milk, soy, eggs, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish.

Peanut is the most common allergen followed by milk and shellfish

Drug Allergies
Penicillin is the most common allergy trigger for those with drug allergies. Up to 10 percent of people report being allergic to this common antibiotic.
Bad drug reactions may affect 10 percent of the world’s population. These reactions affect up to 20 percent of all hospital patients.

Latex Allergy
About 1 to 6 percent of people in the U.S. have a latex allergy.
Health care workers are becoming more concerned about latex allergies. About 8-12 percent of health care workers will get a latex allergy.

Insect Allergy
People who have insect allergies are often allergic to bee and wasp stings and poisonous ant bites. Cockroaches and dust mites may also cause nasal or skin allergy symptoms.



American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. Allergy Facts. (Retrieved March 14 2018)

CDC. National Center for Health Statistics. FastStats: Allergies and Hay Fever. (Retrieved March 14 2018)

Top 10 Hospitals for Allergy Testing

Following are the best 10 hospitals for Allergy Testing in the world:

# Hospital Country City Price
1 Apollo Proton Cancer Centre India Chennai ---    
2 Bangkok Hospital Thailand Bangkok ---    
3 Medipol Mega University Hospital Turkey Istanbul ---    
4 Fortis Hospital Mulund India Mumbai ---    
5 Primus Super Specialty Hospital India New Delhi ---    
6 Pantai Hospital Malaysia Kuala Lumpur ---    
7 Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre India Mumbai ---    
8 Apollo Specialty Hospital Bangalore India Bangalore ---    
9 Apollo Gleneagles Hospital India Kolkata ---    
10 Wockhardt Hospital South Mumbai India Mumbai ---    

Best doctors for Allergy Testing

Following are the best doctors for Allergy Testing in the world:

1 Dr. Brahmita Monga Dermatologist Artemis Hospital
2 Dr S K Bose Dermatologist Indraprastha Apollo Hospi...
3 Dr Ravi Joshi Dermatologist Indraprastha Apollo Hospi...
4 Dr Y Dawra Dermatologist Rockland Hospital, Manesa...
5 Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Enk Dermatologist Heidelberg University Hos...

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The information on this page was reviewed and approved by Mozocare team. This page was updated on 21 Jan, 2022.

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