Colon Cancer Treatment

Colon Cancer Treatment abroad

Colon/Bowel cancer treatment could be defined as colorectal cancer treatment, and includes large bowel cancer (colon cancer) and cancer of the back passage (rectal cancer). The naming changes according to where the cancer starts to spread. The bowel is part of the digestive system and after the digestion took place the food we ate moves to the large bowel. The colon is the first part of the large bowel. It is made to absorbs water and to transform the waste matter our body doesnâ??t need into stool. The large bowel is divided in 4 sections: ascending colon (right side of the abdomen), transverse colon (placed under the stomach), descending colon (left side of the abdomen), sigmoid colon which connects the colon to the rectum.

Most colorectal cancers begin as a polyp, which is a growth on the inner lining of the colon or rectum. There are two main types of polyps: adenomatous polyps, also called adenomas, and hyperplastic pol and inflammatory polyps. The latter polyps kind are more common, but in general are not pre-cancerous, while the former ones are considered a precancerous condition. The mutation of the polyps to cancer may take several years. The structure of the colon is made of layers, and colorectal cancer starts in the mucosa (the innermost layer) and then eventually spreads to the other layers.

If cancer reaches the lymphatic tissues contained in the bowel, it can spread to the other lymph nodes, hence distant organs of the body. This type of cancer most commonly occurs in patients over the age of 50, however, it can also occur in younger patients in some rarer cases. In this regard, patients over the age of 50 are expected to undergo regular screenings for colorectal cancer.

These screenings involve a colonoscopy, in order to check if there are polyps or other bowel abnormalities. Any polyp that has been detected during the screen can be easily removed during this procedure. Other types of surgical procedures aimed at removing the polyps are: laparoscopic surgery to remove polyps that cannot be removed during a colonoscopy, colectomy, and colostomy. A colectomy is a surgical procedure aimed at removing all or part of the large intestine.

A colostomy is performed instead to join one end of the large intestine to a stoma in the abdomen, which is an opening made in the abdomen to get rid of waste that is collected in a pouch outside of the body. The latter procedure may be performed as temporary, or some patients may need it as permanent (i.e. colostomy pouch). Besides the surgical treatments, chemotherapy can be involved and added too, which is the use of medicine or drugs that contain chemical substances aimed at treating cancer.

Chemotherapy can be used in combination with a targeted drug therapy which uses drugs designed to target specific defects of the cancer, thus inhibiting the reproduction of the abnormal cells. Radiotherapy, on the other hand, is a high-energy radiation treatment used to treat cancer which uses radiation beams pointed at the targeted area to destroy the malignant cells. 

What affects the final cost of Colon Cancer Treatment?

There are many factors that can affect the costs

  • Types of Surgery performed
  • Experience of the surgeon
  • Choice of hospital & Technology
  • Rehabilitation cost after surgery
  • Insurance Coverage can affect a person's out of pocket expenses

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About Colon Cancer Treatment

Colon/bowel cancer treatment, which may also be referred to as colorectal cancer treatment, varies depending on the location and stage of the cancer. Cancer occurs when there is an abnormality in cell growth, which causes the cells to divide and grow quickly when the cell should die to make room for new cells. Colon/bowel cancer can occur in the rectum, small intestine or the large intestine, however, it most commonly occurs in the large intestine. This type of cancer most commonly occurs in patients over the age of 50, however, it can also occur in younger patients.

It is recommended that patients over the age of 50 undergo regular screening for colorectal cancer, which involves performing a colonoscopy to check for polyps or any abnormalities in the bowel. Polyps are abnormal growths of tissues, that may or may not become malignant. They are usually removed during routine screening if found. Patients who have had polyps should also undergo regular screening. Patients with colon/bowel cancer may experience changes in bowel movements, constipation, blood in stool, fatigue, anaemia, and abdominal pain. However, not all patients experience symptoms.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor may perform a sigmoidoscopy or a colonoscopy. A sigmoidoscopy is a procedure which involves inserting a sigmoidoscope into the rectum to view the rectum and part of the large intestine. A colonoscopy is similar to a sigmoidoscopy, however, it allows the entire large intestine to be examined. Colon/bowel cancer is also more likely to occur in patients who have a family history of this cancer and in patients who have ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. Once colon/bowel cancer has been found, the doctor will classify the stage and grade of the cancer, which will help to determine the best treatment for the patient. Treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and targeted drug therapy. .

Surgery is the most common method of treatment and is often performed in combination with chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. There are different types of surgery which include a colonoscopy (if the cancer is in the early stage, polyps may be removed during a colonoscopy), laparoscopic surgery to remove polyps that cannot be removed during a colonoscopy, colectomy, and colostomy. A colectomy is a surgical procedure to remove all or part of the large intestine. A colostomy is a surgical procedure performed to join one end of the large intestine to a stoma in the abdomen, which is an opening made in the abdomen to get rid of waste that is collected in a pouch outside of the body.

A colostomy may be performed as a temporary change to the body, or some patients may need to permanently keep a colostomy pouch. Chemotherapy is the use of medicine or drugs that contain chemical substances to treat cancer. Radiotherapy is a high-energy radiation treatment used to treat cancer which involves directing radiation beams at the targeted area to destroy the cells. Targeted drug therapy involves prescribing drugs that are designed to target specific defects in the cancer cells which cause them to grow and multiply, and this treatment is usually used in conjunction with chemotherapy.

The length of time required for treatment varies and is dependent on the stage and grade of the cancer and on the chosen method of treatment. Recommended for Colon/bowel cancer Rectal cancer Time requirements Number of days in hospital 3 - 10 days. If undergoing surgery. However, the time spent in hospital varies depending on the type of treatment. Treatments are often combined for treating colon/bowel cancer. 

Before Procedure / Treatment

Patients will meet with the doctor to discuss the methods of treatment and to discuss the recommended treatment plan. Patients should prepare any questions they may have and raise any concerns before beginning treatment. If a colonoscopy is being performed, patients will need to complete a "colon prep" which ensures that their bowels are empty ahead of the procedure. Although methods of clearing the bowels vary, most patients will be asked to adopt an all-liquid diet 1 to 2 days before the procedure and to avoid red or purple food or drinks in the days before the procedure.

The patient is usually prescribed a laxative solution to take the day before the procedure, in order to fully clear the bowels. The amount of solution to be taken, varies with each patient and is generally mixed with 3 to 4 liters of water which is to be taken over the course of a few hours, depending on how much needs to be taken. After the colon prep, patients will be advised to avoid solid foods and to stop drinking ahead of the general anesthetic.,

How it Performed?

If undergoing surgery, the patient is administered with a general anesthetic before the surgery begins. If the patient is undergoing a colonoscopy, then they are administered with light sedation. A colonoscopy involves inserting an endoscope fitted with a camera into the rectum through the large intestine. The camera is maneuvered through the large intestine and the doctor will examine the images on a screen as it is passed through. Small instruments are attached to the endoscope and are used to remove polyps.

One removed, the doctor will then remove the endoscope. A colectomy involves removing part or all of the bowel, however the entire bowel may need to removed, and the procedure is referred to as a proctocolectomy. A colectomy can be performed as an open surgery or laparoscopically. An open colectomy involves making a long incision in the abdomen to access the colon. The surgeon uses tools to free the colon from the surrounding tissue, and will then cut a portion of the colon which is cancerous, or the entire colon out. A laparoscopic colectomy involves making several small incisions in the abdomen. Using a small camera threaded through one incision and using surgical tools through the other incisions, the colon is lifted out.

This allows the surgeon to operate on the colon outside of the body without making large incisions. Once the cancer has been removed, the surgeon reinserts the colon through the incision. The surgeon will then reconnect the colon to the digestive system in order to restore the function of getting rid of waste. If the entire colon has been removed, the surgeon will make a connection between the anus and small intestine, by using a small section of the small intestine to form the connection. This allows for normal evacuation of the waste. A colostomy is performed to divert the large intestine to the abdominal wall, where a stoma is created and connected to a pouch, so that waste can be removed. It may be performed if a portion of the large intestine has been removed and cannot be reconnected.

If the procedure is performed but will be reversed, then a loop colostomy is performed, however, if it is permanent, then an end colostomy is performed. A loop colostomy involves taking a loop of the colon and pulling it through a hole in the abdomen and attaching it to the skin, wheres an end colostomy involves taking one end of the colon and pulling it through a hole in the abdomen and attaching it to the skin. These surgeries can be performed as open or laparoscopic surgery. Chemotherapy is performed by administering dugs intravenously (IV), intra-arterially (IA), or via intraperitoneal (IP) injections to destroy the cancer cells. The treatment is performed over a series of weeks. Radiotherapy is performed by directing radiation beams at the targeted area, and like chemotherapy, the treatment usually requires multiple sessions which are performed over a series of weeks.

Targeted drug therapy is performed by administering a number of drugs to the patients which will target certain components of the cancer cells. The treatment will usually performed in combination with chemotherapy. Treatments are most often used in combination with each other, particularly if the cancer is advanced an surgery is being performed. Chemotherapy may often be used before the surgery to shrink the tumor or after the surgery to destroy any cancer that could not be removed during surgery. Anesthesia General anesthetic.

Procedure duration The duration of treatment depends on what type of surgery or treatment is performed. Surgery is usually performed on advanced colon/bowel cancer in combination with chemotherapy or radiotherapy.,


Post procedure care After the surgery, patients will initially be fed a liquid diet intravenously before moving onto clear liquids under hospital supervision. A return to a normal diet will take some time and should be attempted under the advice of a doctor.

After treatment, patients will need to have regular cancer screening, usually undergoing regular colonoscopies and CT scans, to ensure the cancer does not return.

Possible discomfort Weakness and lethargy are to be expected for at least a couple of weeks after the surgery.,

Top 10 Hospitals for Colon Cancer Treatment

Following are the best 10 hospitals for Colon Cancer Treatment in the world:

# Hospital Country City Price
1 Apollo Proton Cancer Centre India Chennai ---    
2 Thainakarin Hospital Thailand Bangkok ---    
3 Medipol Mega University Hospital Turkey Istanbul ---    
4 Dongguk University Ilsan Medical Center South Korea Ilsan ---    
5 Ghent University Hospital Belgium Ghent ---    
6 Hirslanden Klinik Im Park Switzerland Zurich ---    
7 Kamineni Hospital India Hyderabad ---    
8 Hospital Galenia Mexico Cancun ---    
9 Taiwan Adventist hospital Taiwan Taipei ---    
10 JSC Medicina Clinic Russian Federation Moscow ---    

Best doctors for Colon Cancer Treatment

Following are the best doctors for Colon Cancer Treatment in the world:

1 Dr. Rakesh Chopra Medical Oncologist Artemis Hospital
2 Dr. Prabhat Gupta Surgical Oncologist Dharamshila Narayana Supe...
3 Dr. Niranjan Naik Surgical Oncologist Fortis Memorial Research...
4 Dr. Aruna Chandrasekhran Surgical Oncologist Metro Hospital and Heart...
5 Dr. K. R. Gopi Medical Oncologist Metro Hospital and Heart...
6 Dr. Rajeev Kapoor Gastroenterologist Fortis Hospital Mohali
7 Dr. Deni Gupta Medical Oncologist Dharamshila Narayana Supe...
8 Prof. Dr. med. Axel Richter General Surgeon HELIOS Hospital Hildeshei...

Frequently Asked Questions

Colon cancer is the result of abnormal growth of cells in the colon or in the rectum. The symptoms appear when the cancer is in the advanced stage.

In some case there are no sign and symptoms. Common signs of colon cancer are – change in bowel habits, anemia, presence of blood in the stool, pain in abdomen, pelvic pain, weight loss, vomiting.

Most common diagnostic tests for colorectal cancer are – • Blood test • Proctoscopy • Colonoscopy when the patient shows the symptoms • Biopsy • Imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scan, PET scan, MRI, ultrasound, angiography

Treatment for colon cancer depends upon the stage of the cancer. Treatment includes radiation, chemotherapy and surgery.

Anyone can be affected with colon cancer. Certain factors that increases the risk of colon cancer are – • Age • Certain medical conditions • Lifestyle factors • Family history

Colon cancer can be treated depending on which part of the bowel is affected and the stage of cancer.

In early stage the small piece of colon is removed, known as local excision. If the cancer spreads far from colon, the entire section of the colon is removed. This is known as colectomy.

Surgery for colon cancer include side effects such as infection, bleeding, blood clots in the legs, heart problem, breathing problems.

Chemotherapy may be used to relieve the symptoms of colon cancer. The therapy is used when the part of the colon cannot be removed surgically.

Cancer in the localized stage have 91% survival rate. If the cancer spreads to the distant then survival rate is 14%. (Depends on several factors)

Cost of surgical removal of the colon cancer starts from $3000, (Actual cost depends on the hospital or country your choose)

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The information on this page was reviewed and approved by Mozocare team. This page was updated on 03 Apr, 2022.

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